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“Statistics is the grammar of science.” It involves putting mathematics to scientific use in form of data comparison, analysis, and presentation. It is easy to execute the policies if there is correct formation, determination of risks. All these are the jobs of a statistician.

It includes fields of Economics, Psychology, Medicine, Marketing, Public Health, Sports and others. Statistics are all concerned about data whether collection, classification, analysis, presentation, and interpretation. Its prospects include government jobs for economic measurements, Actuarial, Econometrics in Economic research, Product development, bio-statistics and many more. In addition to this, statistics are widely used in computer programming.

In the upcoming years, jobs for statisticians are likely to grow despite a decline in growth expectations. “Statisticians are rulers and manipulators of data.”  It is an established branch with promising career prospect. If you have a penchant for mathematics and its applications in particular, then there are lots of opportunities in statistics. We, at Lady Shri Ram College For Women, offer world-class education with from highly erudite and experienced teachers.


The Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.) Course of the Department of Statistics is an exciting context to engage with the quantitative language of the social, biological and physical sciences. Focusing on the increasing role of Statistics in diverse areas and its indispensability in marketing, finance, and strategy-making, students are trained to acquire tools in the areas of applied statistics, statistical methods and analysis. Students engage with sample surveys, econometrics, biostatistics, and operations research. A dedicated team of faculty members and enthusiastic students regularly organize workshops and paper presentations for intellectual enrichment and engagement with the world of work. Various career options are available in quality control for industries, biotechnology, market research, corporate planning, banking, trade, medicine, and defense.



Semester I:  

Technical Writing and Communication in English
Derivative and Integral Calculus
Descriptive Statistics
Generic Elective-I

Semester II: 

Probability and Statistical Methods-I & II
Environmental Science
Generic Elective-II

Semester III:

Mathematical Analysis
Sampling Distributions
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
Survey Sampling and Indian Official Statistics
Generic Elective-III

Semester IV:

Linear Models
Statistical Inference
Statistical Quality Control
Statistical Data Analysis Using R Programming
Generic Elective-IV

Semester V: 

Time Series Analysis
Demography and Vital Statistics
Operational Research
Stochastic Processes and Queuing Theory
Statistical Computing Using C/C++ Programming

Semester VI: 

Actuarial Statistics
Project Work
Multivariate Analysis and Non-Parametric Methods
Design of Experiments
Financial Statistics
Survival Analysis and Bio-Statistics





BSc. (Hons) Statistics (CBCS) Syllabus








THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS, LADY SHRI RAM COLLEGE FOR WOMEN   |   Lala Lajpat Rai Rd, Lajpat Nagar IV, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110024, India

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